Wednesday Workout

  Warm up for at least ten minutes before getting started. Finish with ten minutes of stretching. Focus on going through a full pain-free range of motion for each exercise. If you need a modifier, go with a lighter KB or use tubing. Plug in your info below and...

Challenge Yourself!

    Give this workout a try this week. Do your best for each exercise. Do as many reps as you can in the given time, rest when you need to. Plug in your info below and I’ll send you 3 FREE fat loss and muscle gaining manuals in less than 60 seconds. Success!...

Do You Have Grit?

If there is one thing I have noticed about weight loss, it’s this: the most successful people have grit. Grit is a skill that can be improved. Even if you’ve missed a week or more of exercise or your nutrition habits fall by the wayside, you can regroup...

Procrastination and Behavior Change

This is the time of year when droves of people reignite the desire to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Tomorrow. Or next week. Or after the holidays. Definitely not today though. The act of not achieving small, attainable daily goals is a habit every single person...

Healthy Food Choices

The opportunities allotted each day to improve your health are innumerable. Getting the right amount of sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, eating appropriate portions, and taking more steps are just a few of the choices we can make every single day. As with any...