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Whenever someone cuts you off in traffic you probably think instinctively, “what a jerk” or, more accurately, “what a #$!@ jerk”.

But what if that person was running 20 minutes late to an important appointment?

Maybe that one moment in their life isn’t enough information to make a judgment of their character.

What I’m saying is that what looks like a people problem is often a situation problem.

We’re often blind the situational forces that shape other people’s behavior.

It’s called the “fundamental attribution error”.

The error lies in our inclination to attributes people’s behavior to who they are and not to the situation they are in.

Take working out for example.

People have a really hard time getting a fitness routine started.

These people are often told or tell themselves “it’s just not important enough to you” or “you don’t want it enough” or “you’re lazy”.

They have a situation problem, not a personality flaw.

Maybe they haven’t found the type of exercise they enjoy or tolerate well, or they’re not comfortable at a gym, or they’re exhausted after working all day and taking care of their families all night and just want to watch Netflix with their limited free time.

There’s a way to work through and around their situation.

Shrink the workout and you shrink the problem.

Workouts don’t have to be a long, drawn out, two hour affair.

Mine rarely last longer than 35-45 minutes. And even that long isn’t required.

You can get a great workout done in 10-20 minutes.

If you’re still struggling to carve 10 or 20 minutes out of your day for exercise then it’s not the right time for you to add exercise into your daily routine.

And that’s TOTALLY FINE, by the way.

If you want to lose fat without working out, it can be done.

It may take more time, focus, and dedication to your nutrition program… but it can be done.

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