It’s just past twilight and you’re sailing along the rocky, yet familiar, coast of Maine in a dense fog looking for a port.

Your entire voyage had been mapped out and followed pretty well up until these past few weeks at sea despite no GPS and you’re longing for solid ground again.

You’re proud of how far you’ve come so far using nothing but the stars to guide you almost all the way.

With it being so close to the end of the journey it’s impossible to tell if you’re going the right way, especially in these conditions.

There’s no visibility and if you’re not careful, you’ll run aground.

The far-off crashing of the waves confirms that you’re close to the end of your trip.

Suddenly, just as you’re about to drop anchor for the night, you see the faint glow of a lighthouse not too far off in the distance.

Guiding you safely back to shore, the lighthouse shows you the path ahead for you to successfully reach port.

That’s what it’s like to hit a plateau when you’re not tracking or planning your meals.

It’s fantastic that you’ve made progress and have gotten closer to your goal weight — but if weight loss has stalled out and you’re not tracking how much and what you’re eating, you won’t have enough information to bust through your plateau and reach your goal weight.