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1 Tip – 1 Idea – 1 Question

December 1, 2019

Solutions for sustainable change. | by Jameson Skillings

Welcome to the first “1-1-1 Sunday” email. The purpose of this new weekly email series is to provide actionable tips, helpful ideas, and ask questions to improve your deep health.

“The most important step a person can take is always the next one.”

This is the definitive mindset for behavior change.

Learn from and let go of past mistakes while developing new strategies for your goals.

Struggling during the holiday season is common.

People tend to wait for the holidays to come and go before starting a nutrition or training program.

Why wait until after the damage has been done?

Check out these practical strategies to help you cruise through the holidays with more confidence and ease.

Here is 1 tip, 1 idea, and 1 question for you to dig into this week.


Bring awareness to your behavior.

Find a way to hold yourself accountable. If you are trying to lose fat right now, this could mean logging on MyFitnessPal, meal planning, or breathing deeply.

Come up with one simple action that brings attention to a recent struggle.


Take control of emotional eating by noticing and naming your feelings.

“Whenever I feel like emotionally eating, I’m going to take deep breaths and think about how I got to this feeling. After five minutes, if I still feel like eating, I will have a snack that’s high in protein or I’ll have tea. I’ll reach out to Jameson each time it happens for a quick talk through if I need it.”

This has been a client’s strategy for the past week and she has noticed a significant drop in her emotional eating frequency.


What can you do today that will make the rest of your week easier?

For me, this means meal preparation on Sunday afternoons while writing programs for clients. I like to cook all my lean protein in the oven while I’m steaming vegetables and cooking smart carbs on the stove.

It’s something that takes less than an hour and sets me up to have at least one meal each day that lines up with my goals.

1-1-1 Sundays

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