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Welcome to Skillings Fitness.


I want to start by saying thank you for trusting me to be your coach — I take that responsibility very seriously. I’m looking forward to working with you and helping you get amazing results.


I’ve outlined some next steps for you further down the page. Before you get to those, please schedule your coaching session. Bookmark this link to schedule future coaching calls.


I encourage you to schedule your coaching calls at your convenience.


You can always come back to this page and schedule your next coaching session using my Calendly widget below.


Scheduling Made Easy


No more back and forth with our calendars. Your 15-minute coaching check-in(s) can be scheduled at your convenience up to 90 days in advance. If something in your life comes up, rescheduling is a snap as well. 



Next Steps

  1. Be on the lookout for an e-mail that says “From Precision Nutrition on Behalf of Jameson Skillings” with your intake questionnaire (please allow up to 24 hours as this is done manually).
  2. Download the free guides and infographics in the next section (open in new tab then right click to save).
  3. Use the links on the left side of the page to share your excitement about getting started and to connect with me on social media using the links at the bottom of the page.



Free Guides and Infographics to Help You Get Started Right Away