You deserve results. We guarantee them.

Skillings Fitness provides you with a nutrition and training program 100% customized to your goals, current fitness level, lifestyle, and preferences. We will teach you simple, real-world habits proven to get the weight off and keep it off forever.

Our nutritional approach is based on autonomy and freedom.

We believe in a restriction-free eating style, focusing on soft boundaries so no foods are off-limits.

Diets do not work.

People who follow traditional diets have been shown to gain weight in the long run. This is why Skillings Fitness helps people reach their goals using realistic, proven strategies that lead to permanent weight loss.

Our exercise and nutrition practices are evidence-based and research-driven.

We help our clients set realistic goals and use coaching methods that are client-centered. We want to teach all of our clients to have the option of being totally self-sufficient.

We offer customized training and nutrition plans based on your goals, food preferences, and dietary restrictions.

Whether your goal is to be healthier, more athletic, pain-free, or model lifelong habits of fitness and healthy eating for your children, no two programs will ever be exactly the same.

Skillings Fitness uses a no-nonsense approach to reaching goals.

We attack the most common reasons why people fall short of their goals and base your programs on developing strategies to bust through your own personal barriers to success.

All-or-nothing usually leads to nothing.

Too many people go to extremes to reach their goals — and still don’t see results. And there’s a better way. You won’t be missing your favorite foods. You’ll find your favorite ways to stay active and get stronger. Your coach will help you stay accountable.

Our coaching styles match to our client’s preferences.

Your coach will be with you every step of the way, meeting you where you’re at, and teaching you how to stay consistent over time. At Skillings Fitness, our coaching philosophy is about getting 1% better each day.